
Skin Care Journey (2017 Edition)

THE SKIN SCARE PART 2 In late 2013, I've had the greatest pimple breakout of my entire life. Pimples have permanently occupied my fore...


In late 2013, I've had the greatest pimple breakout of my entire life. Pimples have permanently occupied my forehead and popped up every now and then on my cheeks. It was a total skin scare for me. I had to endure looking at my hideous face until I found wonders on instagram and bought organic soaps that helped combat my pimple problems.

For about two years now, I have been using THO's Tomato Lime Soap (review here) to maintain my pimple free face. However, last December, I had a breakout which, until now, I couldn't figure out what caused it. The worst part of this pimple breakout was that my ever trusted Tomato Lime soap wasn't working wonders anymore.

Pimples invaded my forehead again and my cheeks and nose were also becoming their favorite spot too. Since December until now, pimples were popping out. It's not in an aggravated state yet but it was worrisome that every after a pimple healed, another one pops out. It's like a sequel to what I went through in 2013.

So I went online and googled for solutions for my pimple problem. I saw this blog that talked about AcneCare soap and another one that talked about Celeteque. I decided I would try either one of them.

I went to Watsons and saw Celeteque Acne Solutions Cleansing Gel with Hydroxy Acids. At first I only saw the bigger tube that costs around more than P300 and I was disheartened. I couldn't convince myself to spend that much since I was still on the experiment stage. So I asked for AcneCare soap but sadly it was out of stock. Then I had my eye on Neutrogena but their acne fighting facial wash was also in a bigger tube and costs almost same as the Celeteque one. I was about to settle for the Neutrogena Deep Clean Brightening Facial Foam because it was a big tube that costs around P175 (not sure but it was on sale).

Fortunately, I roamed around Watsons and found more Celeteque products and saw the smaller tube of the Acne Solutions Cleansing Gel. So,  I bought the 50ml bottle that cost P270. Then a day after, I bought the Celeteque Acne Solutions Oil Control Toner for P70.95 at Mercury Drugstore (forgot to take a photo).

Somehow it did improve my skin and I had lesser pimples. I still got pimples but they weren't as painful as before. Also, the pimples shrunk in size after a day and there was no more swelling. Then it totally disappeared after 3-4 days.
Day 2 after using Celeteque Gel Wash +Celeteque Oil Control Toner

Day 3 of the same skine care regimen. Sadly, I got a huge pimple on my forehead

3 days after. The huge pimple dried out and was already healing. Amazingly fast. But I had a new small pimple on each cheek. I had a scar too because I picked on my pimple.

What I liked about Celeteque was that there wasn't any stinging or itching even if I left it on for a few minutes before washing off. The toner also didn't sting and I felt my skin became supple every after use. The cleansing gel was pretty drying but it was fine because the toner helped bring back the suppleness of my skin so the two products were perfect combination.

One downside to the toner though, it didn't stay true to it's claim about the oil control (imho). I tend to oil more on my T-zone.

When I finished the Celeteque products, my skin was in a better shape. No more extreme pimple problem. I still got the small bumps but no more cystic type of acne. So I decided to try another product. I wanted to address the dark spots left by the pimples. So I bought Snow Skin Whitening Soap. I just wanted to see if this would help even out my skin without giving me a breakout.

Very luckily, I didn't break out with Snow soap. And I noticed that my pimple marks were lightening in a month's use. Also I found the soap a little drying so I decided to buy another toner. I finally convinced myself to try Human Heart Nature's Nourishing Face Toner.

The combo was perfect. I didn't have major breakouts and I had very seldom pimples popping out. I also noticed slight improvements on my complexion. So I am really loving the Snow + HHN combo.

Week 2 of my new skin care regimen. Snow Whitening Soap + Human Heart Nature Tomato Toner
The dark spots cause by pimples are slowly fading.

So far so good with my latest skin care regimen. No major breakouts. I will be sticking with this regimen for now. Also the pimple scars are fading and I am really satisfied with the effects of these products.

I'm crossing my fingers for more improvements on my skin.

Thanks for reading :)

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