
My First Ever Interchangeable Camera Sony a5100 and My New Interests

For the longest time, I have been eyeing any DSLR camera for the sake of immersing myself in photography. I have always wished I owned a DSL...

For the longest time, I have been eyeing any DSLR camera for the sake of immersing myself in photography. I have always wished I owned a DSLR because I wanted to explore the world of photography and I wanted to know if I had a skill with taking photos.

I had already lost the hope of owning a DSLR because it's very expensive and I had more important things I needed the money for. Also, I'm already a family woman so I couldn't indulge in my fantasy anymore.

Then the mirrorless camera breakthrough happened. More and more brands had introduced entry level mirrorless cameras this days. My hope for owning an interchangeable camera was brought back to life. And after a while of scanning the internet, drooling over different mirrorless cameras in available in the market, I had finally convinced myself and my husband to purchase one.

I now own a Sony a5100 camera and I had practiced it with different subjects. I am so in love with this camera. Maybe because I am a complete neophyte in photography. Below are some of the shots I took using my new camera.

P.S. I completely had no experience with professional cameras or high end cameras aside from my smartphone and my sister's Fujifilm bridge camera. I tweaked my camera by following some tips I found from photography blogs on the internet.

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