Beauty Regimen -- Why Just Now?

I have never been vain! I am always the low maintenance chick that doesn't care how dry or how oily my skin is. I never mind if my hair ...

I have never been vain! I am always the low maintenance chick that doesn't care how dry or how oily my skin is. I never mind if my hair is all frizzy or if my black/white heads are showing or if my pores are all enlarged or if my skin tone is uneven. Really, I am a caveman to all this vanity stuff!

This ignorance to vanity roots from my mother's non-interest to cosmetics and all kinds of skin care products. I mean, I have never seen my mother spend hours in the bathroom to apply all sorts of skin care products. And considering that I am the eldest among the girls and there are just two of us girls in a brood of six. So having four boys in the family plus a mother that don't care about skin care what would you expect?

Recently, I am convincing myself to start using cosmetics and at the same time start a skin care regimen. I am not particularly wanting to have a fully made-up face everyday at work but a blusher and lip balm won't hurt. I still want to wear a bare face look but a little color is not that bad. I also feel that practicing to wear make-up will eventually help me get comfortable with cosmetics especially on special occasions.

I am more leaning towards the skin care regimen. I have been researching about facial moisturizers that won't worsen my oily skin and eventually cause breakouts. I feel that my skin is not really that bad but in my age I want to start taking care of it. I understand that not using cosmetics help me maintain a good skin with just random and occasional pimples (mostly during my period and sometimes during an encounter with dust pollutants). I am blessed with a not so problematic skin but since I am slowly aging (yes, I am in my late 20's), I want to take extra steps to keep my skin healthy and still fresh looking.

I am still in search of the perfect skin care product that is effective but won't hurt my budget. I am so interested in Human Heart Nature products since they are all organic/natural and at the same time affordable.

If you have any suggestions, please do inform me through the comments below. I will update soon if I finally find my perfect skin care match!

Thanks for stopping by! :)

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